How To Upload A Website Coded Using A Preprocessor?
Your Friendly Web Development Companion
Prepros compiles your files, transpiles your JavaScript, reloads your browsers and makes it really easy to develop & exam your websites so you can focus on making them perfect.
Compile Everything
Prepros can compile Sass, Less, Stylus, Pug/Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript and TypeScript out of the box. You can as well add together your ain tools with only a few clicks.
Bundle JavaScript
Parcel ES6 imports and modules from npm without writing a configuration file.
Find Problems at a Glance
Prepros shows exactly where yous accept a trouble in your code. Forget black screen full of unreadable jumble.
Built-in Server
Prepros comes with a built-in HTTP & HTTPS server. It tin serve pages straight from your project folder or proxy them from an external server such as WordPress, Shopify, XAMPP, Wamp, MAMP, etc.
Network Preview
Preview pages on mobile devices with ease. Just scan the QR-Code or open the address. Prepros also reloads all continued mobile browsers automatically every time you brand a alter in your code.
Automated Browser Reload
Prepros reloads your browsers automatically every time yous make a alter in your lawmaking.
Hi World
Thank You for Using Prepros
Minify & Optimize
Minify & Optimize assets to salve bandwidth and brand your sites faster.
Synchronized Testing
Prepros synchronizes ringlet position, mouse, keyboard and form inputs across multiple devices & browsers. Makes information technology really easy to examination sites everywhere.
Manage Packages with NPM
Search, install and manage packages from with merely a few clicks.
Remote Audit (Beta)
Remotely inspect mobile browsers with built-in inspector.
Consign & Upload
Prepros can export files set for deployment. It tin also upload files to a server with FTP & SFTP.
Choose Your Side
Prepros comes with both Dark and Light UI themes.
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