
QuantumScape (QS) Proves Its Detractors Wrong By Conducting Successful and Prolonged Testing of Its Multi-Layered Solid-State Battery Cells in a Commercially Relevant Form Factor

QuantumScape (NYSE:QS), the solid-state battery manufacturer under a concerted short-seller attack, has taken its detractors head-on by disclosing some very encouraging performance metrics regarding its ongoing testing.

To wit, QuantumScape has now appear that its cells in a commercially relevant grade factor of 70mm by 85mm have cycled through around 450 charge/discharge cycles while retaining around 90 percent chapters. Moreover, its coin-sized cells (30mm by 30mm) have at present cycled through over ane,000 accuse/belch cycles while retaining fourscore percent capacity. Crucially, these coin-sized cells were non exposed to externally applied pressure, which is normally employed to "ensure good interfacial contact betwixt the layers that make upward the cell, without which the cell would have unacceptably high resistance and poor power operation."

Both of these developments are very encouraging and point toward QuantumScape consistently working toward its goal of launching commercial products by the middle of the decade. Readers should note that the visitor plans to stack viii to x layers of its 70mm by 85mm cells toward the end of 2021 and produce a working paradigm by 2022. QuantumScape has also doubled the planned chapters of its pre-pilot line, dubbed QS-0, to over 200,000 cells per twelvemonth. Moreover, QS-1, a articulation manufacturing facility with Volkswagen, volition start commercial operations in 2024-2025.

Equally far as the rest of the yr is concerned, QuantumScape noted in its letter to the shareholders:

"With the expansion of our QS-0 line and the associated equity offering, nosotros programme to increase spending in 2021 to continue our momentum. Based on our new projections, we expect greenbacks spend on operations and capex for the total twelvemonth to be betwixt $260M and $320M to back up our development activities and the higher chapters QS-0 line. Net of financing proceeds from our follow-on equity offering, VW investment, and public warrant exercises, we await to enter 2022 with greater than $one.3B in liquidity, reflecting a net increase of more than $300M compared to our liquidity entering the twelvemonth."

Back in March, QuantumScape had unlocked an additional $100 million in investment from Volkswagen after the European automobile giant tested the solid-state battery cells in its labs in Germany and met all pertinent technical thresholds.

Readers would remember that the curt-seller Scorpion Capital had published a scathing report against QuantumScape back in April. While the report did highlight sure lacunae in the mode in which QuantumScape chose to publish its test results, nosotros remained skeptical of many other claims due to the fact that the written report relied so heavily on the accounts of sometime employees. Today'southward development has added another layer of confidence in QuantumScape's ability, and we will continue to follow any farther developments closely.


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