
How Many Megabytes Can You Upload To Facebook

What's the biggest social media platform?

We all know that; it's Facebook!

As of the second quarter of 2018, Facebook reached the number of ii.23 billion monthly active users.

The customs is growing past the day, and the opportunities for businesses to promote themselves on Facebook grow equally well.

When you showtime a business organisation page, yous have to go along in mind that Facebook users favor visual content.

With the latest updates that favor customs posts, it's of import for brands to proceeds visibility through impressive visual content.

Clickbaits no longer work, and even business page posts barely work.

Businesses accept to invest in ads and post high-quality content more than than always before.

Oh; permit'southward non forget the 360-degree photos that Facebook recently introduced.

You tin use them in diverse ad formats, so you'll engage your audition on a whole other level.

One feature after some other, it gets kind of difficult to realize how to properly format the visual content.

What worked earlier may not piece of work now.

Image sizes and dimensions, in particular, should be a straightforward consequence.

After all, Facebook will automatically fit whatsoever image to the required format, right?


If the prototype is badly cropped or stretched out the advertizement or the entire page volition expect like information technology's under structure.

Y'all don't want blurry visual content that doesn't make your brand look professional enough.

Every bit if you didn't have enough details to pay attention to, now this?

Well, the adept news is that nosotros created the definitive Facebook epitome size and dimensions guide for you.

All you lot need to do is take a wait at these numbers and your visual content will be good to become.

The Profile Motion picture Size

When someone lands at your contour, information technology's the embrace photo that gets the most attention (simply look at the screenshot above and everything is clear).

The profile picture, however, is yet crucially important.

In fact, it represents your brand and it's what people meet when your posts and ads appear in their timelines.

Most brands opt for their logos.

That's a practiced approach since it clarifies who the postal service is from.

If you have a look at the Barnes & Noble contour photograph, yet, you'll detect information technology doesn't read that well when showed in the circle alee of a post.

Information technology's impossible to crop it well enough and then it would fit in that circle.

So you accept to exist mindful of the fashion your profile photo would look in a square and a circle.

That existence said, these are the dimensions to keep in mind:

  • The recommended size for a profile photo is 180 10 180 pixels. Pretty uncomplicated.

The prototype will appear 128 x 128 pixels on smartphones and 170 x 170 pixels on a desktop.

  • The photo thumbnail will appear at 32 10 32 pixels.

You probably noticed that on a business organisation page, the profile photograph appears on the left side, and the cover photograph is entirely visible.

That's unlike from a personal account, where the profile epitome is positioned over the embrace image.

The purpose is to differentiate business pages from personal pages, just the sizes still remain the same.

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The Cover Photo Size

The cover photograph is the most prominent part of your Facebook folio.

It's fashion bigger than the profile picture, and it'due south not something your make is necessarily recognized for.

It's not recommended to change the profile photo that often since it appears all over Facebook and it's good when people remember it.

The cover photo is a different consequence.

I mean; you lot could alter it quite oft, and then you'll promote different products or campaigns.

Information technology has to be very catchy, and it needs to convey the vibe of your brand.

As for the size, these are Facebook'southward recommendations to consider:

  • It must be at least 400 x 150 pixels.

But if you go for this size, Facebook volition automatically stretch it out.

  • The cover photo displays at 820 x 312 pixels on a desktop and 640 x 360 pixels on smartphones.

Those are the acceptable dimensions.

Simply what's the recommended size?

The one that loads fastest, of form!

Facebook gives you such a recommendation: the cover photograph loads fastest at 851 x 315 pixels in sRGB JPG format, less than 100 kB size.

It doesn't get whatever more than straightforward than that.

Group Embrace Photograph Size

Facebook is all about community, so information technology'southward no wonder why so many businesses are making efforts to bring their followers together in a grouping.

In groups, the discussion runs more smoothly.

Needless to say, y'all nonetheless have to make the embrace photograph stand up out.

If you take a look at any group page, you lot'll notice that there'south no contour picture show, and the comprehend photograph is larger.

Facebook recommends a different size for group cover photos: 1,640 x 856 pixels. In ratio, that would be 1.91:1.

On a mobile device, the users will run into a narrower version of the prototype, which is why it'southward important to avert placing important information at the height and the bottom.

Ad Epitome Size

Businesses are practically forced to consider Facebook ads since their posts are less visible than they used to exist.

The latest updates fabricated it difficult for a business to promote itself without any investment.

But what nigh the ad image?

What size and format should it be?

  • Facebook recommends ix:sixteen to 16:nine ratio for advertizing images.
  • The file should be uploaded in png or jpg format.
  • Yous may include the text of upwards to 125 characters.
  • Use the highest resolution possible; at that place are no restrictions on that.
  • Don't use too much text in an advert, since it may experience less commitment if the text takes more than 20% of the ad.

Facebook gives you a user-friendly tool to check the proportion of text to an image .

  • If you want to include a clickable link to the image, it will be cropped to 1.91:1 ratio.

In that example, the minimum recommended prototype resolution is 1200 x 628 pixels.

  • You're allowed to use a headline of up to 25 characters and a link clarification of upward to xxx characters.

Carousel Ads Image Size

Carousel ads are awesome because they give you lot more opportunities to represent an offering.

Michelle Brown, role of the marketing squad at BestEssays , explains how useful carousel ads are: "We love these because they allow usa to characteristic several promotions in a single ad".

Instead of creating different ads for research papers, essays, and dissertations, nosotros launch a single ad that encompasses all these services.

You but have to make information technology attractive enough, so it will engage the users to striking the arrow and see what else there is."

These ads are a scrap tricky for beginners, just you'll do just fine if yous follow the recommendations.

  • You may utilise a minimum of 2 and maximum of 10 cards in the carousel ad.
  • The supported epitome formats are png and jpg, but supported video files are besides adept for carousel ads.
  • The recommended ratio for a carousel advert image is 1:one. Yup, it should be a square.
  • The minimum recommended resolution is 1080 x 1080 pixels.
  • The maximum image file size is 30 MB.

Shared Image Size

This is i of the most common types of content you lot're going to share on Facebook.

Aye; businesses are now paying to get their content promoted across the network, only that'due south not what their activity is limited to.

In fact, we encourage y'all to share more content and piece of work on its quality more than ever.

Native engagement still works, and you lot tin can however brand information technology happen.

Only what kinds of images should you share? – Good ones!

As for the format and dimensions, these are the recommendations to follow:

  • The recommended upload size is one,200 x 630 pixels.
  • Facebook volition automatically resize and format your photos one time you upload them.

Since you don't desire them butchered, it's all-time to resize the photo to a supporting width, which may exist 720, 960, or 2048 pixels.

  • On your folio, the epitome will appear at a maximum width of 504 pixels.
  • In people'due south feeds, the image volition appear at a maximum width of 470 pixels.
  • The recommended format is JPEG with a sRGB color profile.
  • The file size should be smaller than 100 kB, and then y'all'll avert compression.
  • To brand sure you're ever uploading high-quality photos, become to your account settings in the Facebook app and choose to ever upload photos in HD. It will be the default option, and then y'all won't have to worry about it.

Event Postal service Image Size

If you want to invite your followers to nourish an important event, you'll create an event on Facebook .

All your followers will see it every bit a suggestion, and the friends of those who are interested in your event will also get a notification.

That's a smashing way to aggrandize your attain.

This image will be displayed as a thumbnail in the upcoming events department of your followers.

Facebook will show it in large format on the event page, too.

Of course, you'll demand a embrace photo for your consequence, too.

Information technology should convey the purpose of the event, clarifying what it'south about.

Withal, information technology should too make the folio look attractive.

  • For the best possible results, Facebook recommends you to upload a photograph or video that'due south nearly two:ane in ratio.
  • The recommended size for photos is 1,200 x 628 pixels.
  • If you upload a video, the recommended length is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

Shared Link Image Size

Since Facebook allows yous to share whatever links, that's a nifty opportunity to promote your blog posts and website content.

When yous create that content, however, you have to be aware of the manner it will appear on Facebook.

Facebook recommends some best practices for sharing .

Offset of all, you have to make sure the Facebook Crawler can access your site.

Then, you lot may worry virtually optimizing the images, so the link will have an ideal preview when information technology shows up in people's Facebook feeds.

  • The minimum recommended a size for platonic display is 1200 ten 630 pixels.
  • To display link page posts with larger images, you should use images that are at least 600 10 315 pixels.

Equally for the size, the images can exist up to viii MB.

  • The image will still appear in the linked post if it'south smaller, only information technology won't be bonny at all. It will be too small for people to notice.

Facebook Panoramas Size

360 photos, besides known as Facebook panoramas, are neat for engaging your audience with an interactive experience.

Their curiosity will be triggered, so they volition certainly want to explore the environment you've captured in the panorama.

Facebook recognizes these photos and processes them through the camera-specific metadata that's already bachelor in photos taken in this format.

Needless to say, some guidelines are necessary:

  • This photograph must have ii:i ratio; there'due south no flexibility about it.
  • The 360 photo must be less than 135,000,000 pixels in full size, and less than thirty,000 pixels in any dimension.
  • Since mobile uploads come with stricter limitations, it's all-time to upload from the web if yous want to get close to the maximum size.

Facebook Canvas Size

This mobile-only feature allows businesses to engage their audition on a whole other level.

The Canvass is an expanded in-feed story, which your followers see on full screen.

They tin scout peachy photos and videos, explore tagged products, and swipe through carousels.

The Canvas loads really quickly, and it's quite easy to create.

You lot just accept to be enlightened of the recommendations.

Facebook gives you a nifty guide to creating Canvas , so check it out before you start developing such content.

  • The main paradigm (called Hero) has to exist of xvi:ix ratio, and information technology has to be ane,200 x 628 pixels in size.

There'due south no flexibility here.

  • Below the Hero, the Canvas will show four other images in thumbnails.

By default, Facebook sets the thumbnail as the center foursquare of the called epitome.

If you want to adjust the thumbnail, yous tin choose any square section that'southward 100 ten 100 pixels in size.

There you lot have it!

That was the ultimate guide to Facebook paradigm sizes for businesses.

It covers about types of images you'll need to apply for your Facebook marketing entrada.

You're basically ready to showtime!

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