
Unable To Create Directory Uploads/2018/06. Is Its Parent Directory Writable By The Server?

When we talk about securing our WordPress account, nosotros tend to talk over the security of plugins and extensions mostly. Securing plugins and extensions is no doubt an important aspect of information technology. But, ignoring WordPress file permissions altogether tin be immensely dangerous for your WordPress website.

To begin with, allow us know what WordPress file permissions are. WordPress file permissions are basically permissions to manage who can do what to your website'south files & folders. Not to mention, securing the right permissions adds to your site's security and makes you less vulnerable.

Still, by and large users ignore them after setting up the initial configuration.

How will you check if your website has right files & folder permissions? The manual process would hateful hours of slogging in front of your PC. Who has time for that? No i.

And so, there must exist a improve process; and there is. Just run a scan with the WP Hardening plugin. Information technology volition flag all the files & folders in your website that accept vulnerable permissions.

Wordpress File/Folder Permissions
The WP-Hardening plugin flags vulnerable file permissions in a website

Recommended WordPress File Permissions

Wordpress File/Folder Permissions

Not setting files and folder permissions could let an aggressor to easily exploit the loop, this, in return could give them unauthorized admission to your account.

It could also wrongly let users to read, write and execute sensitive files on your site. Using which they can modify your site settings and even plant backdoors.

In addition to this, poor permissions let hackers inject malicious codes that could run sure malware on your WP site.

Thus, with suitable file permissions, you can not just add an boosted level of security to your account just also protect it against possible attacks by unauthorized people.

Related Guide – Complete Step by Step Guide to WordPress Security (Reduce the risk of getting hacked by 90%)

Apart from security reasons, wrong file permissions tin can besides cause errors in accessing and executing these files. In that location are services and servers that need certain sets of permissions to work efficiently on/with your website.

Without them, they will throw error messages on your screen and can even harm your site. Thus, for the proper performance of different services, you demand to give them the appropriate authorization.

You tin set file permissions either by FTP or chmod. I accept mentioned both these methods below:

How to Ready WordPress File Permissions Using FTP

Watch this video for a quick fix!

Fix WP file & folder permissions

Past using FTP clients or programs, you tin can hands modify the permission settings for a file or folder. The part to do it is called chmod or set permissions which can be found in the plan menu.

  • When you open up and view the files and folders in an FTP client, the cavalcade under the Permissions characterization is the 1 we would work upon.
  • For each file, a combination of letters and hyphens is used in the corresponding permission. One example of this is –rwxrw-r–. Users can easily decode the permission as such; the get-go hyphen stands for the permission being used for a file, and the messages r, w, and 10 represent that the user respectively has read, write and execute permissions for the file. The adjacent three characters mean that the group of users has only read and write permissions. The hyphen means that the particular user or grouping has no permissions to execute the file. The last three characters represent that others can only read the files, only not write or execute it.
  • You tin but change these permissions by right-clicking on the files and selecting the option "Ready permissions" from the card.

Check our detailed blog on Normally Hacked WordPress files and how information technology affects your WordPress Website.

How to Prepare WordPress File Permissions Using cPanel

Through the cPanel File Managing director, you can run across the different files and their permissions.

  • Right-click on the files you wish to change the permissions of and then select "Change Permission".
  • A checkbox will pop upwards where y'all can select the boxes and conform the permissions.
  • Once washed, confirm the changes, and you are proficient to go.

WordPress file permissions: Various components and files and their appropriate permissions

list of wordpress file permissions
WordPress file permission listing screenshot

Recommended File Permissions for wp-contents

This folder stores all the themes, plugins, and uploads to your WordPress business relationship. Generally editing the files may crusade errors and damage to the site. Protecting this folder will ensure that attackers cannot admission the content supplied by the user. The right WordPress file permission for this folder would be 755, and all the files within the folder must have 644. Thus, this volition ensure that no i tin write anything within the folder except the owner.

Recommended File Permissions for wp-includes

This folder includes all the core files and all the files that are necessary for the proper functioning of WordPress admin and API. The suitable permission for this folder is 755.

Recommended File Permissions for wp-content/uploads

Autonomously from the user, no one should have writing privileges to files. However, wp-content has to be writable past www-information too. This tin be washed by giving wp-content write access for a group past specifying 755 and so adding the user to the www-information group. Or, using 'su' temporarily change to the user to www-data. the wp-content/uploads file contains all your uploads to the website and thus needs to exist protected. The advisable permission for this file can exist 755.

Recommended File Permissions for all the files

The appropriate permission for all files in WordPress should be 644. This means that the users have read and write permissions and groups and others can simply read the files. This will ensure that no one accessing the files can alter them, apart from the possessor.

Recommended WordPress binder permissions

The suggested permissions for all the folders are 755. This translates to read, write, and execute permissions for the user and simply read and execute permissions for groups and others.

Related Guide – WordPress Hack Removal

Recommended file permissions for wp-config

The wp-config is ane of the most sensitive files in the entire directory since information technology contains all the information most base configuration and besides the database connection information. The advisable permission for this file will be 400/440. This means that the user and groups have permission to merely read and others will not be able to access the file.

Right file permission for the PHP file in the wp-root

This blank file present in the wp-root hides the entire directory, and without this file, the entire file directory will be naked. The suggested file permission will be 444. This permission gives reading authority to all, including the user and the group.

Files/Folders Permissions
wp-content 755
wp-includes 755
All .php files 644
All folders 755
wp-config.php (public_html binder) 400/440
alphabetize.php (public_html folder) 444/644

Here's a video that you need to follow step-by-step to secure your WordPress site completely.


WordPress file permissions are necessary for securing your account. If you have set up your account on your own, and so information technology'due south possible that you might accept ignored this pace. As already discussed, this is one crucial footstep for the same reasons. Ignoring this footstep could pose a potential threat to your business relationship.

Also file permissions, at that place are other security to-dos that y'all should definitely follow. To brand the process simpler, y'all can employ the WP Hardening plugin by Astra. WP Hardening is a one-click security logroller tool for your WordPress website. You tin prepare 12+ security areas (admin & API security, information disclosure, server hardening, etc.) with this plugin with just a toggle of a push.

To ensure even advanced security, deploy Astra on your website. At Astra, we strive to make the spider web a more secure place with our 'Suite' of security tools, which includes — WAF (Spider web Application Firewall), Malware Scanner, VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing), IP/Country blocking and of course malware cleanups amidst various other features.

How does Astra Firewall work?
How Astra Web Application Firewall protects your WordPress website

See our Intelligent Firewall and Malware Scanner in action

Stop bad bots, SQLi, RCE, XSS, CSRF, RFI/LFI and thousands of cyberattacks and hacking attempts.

Tags: wordpress all-time practice file permissions, wordpress file permissions, Wordpress folder permissions, wordpress permission levels, wordpress user permissions, wp config permissions

Ananda Krishna

Ananda Krishna

Ananda Krishna is the co-founder & CTO of Astra Security, a SaaS suite that secures businesses from cyber threats. He has been best-selling by the Indian Navy, Microsoft, United Airlines, etc. for finding critical security vulnerabilities in their systems. Winner of the Best Security Product at Global Conference on Cyberspace 2017 (awarded by Narendra Modi, Prime Government minister of India) & French Tech Ticket, Paris (awarded by François Hollande, former President of France). At Astra he'south building an intelligent security ecosystem - web awarding firewall (WAF), malware detection & analysis, large scale SaaS applications, APIs & more. He's actively involved in the cybersecurity community and shared his knowledge at diverse forums & invited talks.


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